Rental investor? How to get your tax return right

With Treasury estimating the government misses out on billions in potential tax revenue from rental property deductions and the ATO recently warning extra care is needed when lodging returns with this type of income, rental investors can consider themselves well and truly in the tax man’s sights.
In fact, the ATO’s Random Enquiry Program (REP) showed 9 out of 10 returns reporting net rental income needed adjustment, leading ATO second commissioner Jeremy Hirschhorn to note: “This is startling and clearly something we need to address”.
So, if you’re a rental property investor, it’s time to ensure you’re getting your deductions right.
Deductions under the microscope
Rental property investors can claim a wide range of deductions for expenses associated with maintaining and financing their property interests. These include interest expenses, capital works and other deductions required to maintain the property.
It’s clear from the REP, however, many rental property investors need to learn a little more about what is deductible and also when they can claim a deduction for the amount.
Although some expenses can be claimed immediately (such as management fees and council rates), other expenses (such as borrowing costs and capital works) must be claimed over a number of years.
Red flags for the ATO
Common mistakes rental property investors are making include failing to include rental income for short-term arrangements and insurance payouts, overclaiming deductions, and claiming for improvements to private properties.
Rental income must be the gross amount received and must be reported in the same financial year the tenant pays.
Another common mistake is claiming an immediate deduction for initial repairs when purchasing. Existing damage must be claimed over several years as a capital works deduction and is also used to work out your capital gain or loss on selling.
Improvements such as renovating a bathroom, are a building cost and must be claimed at 2.5 per cent annually over 40 years from completion, while damaged detachable items costing more than $300 should be claimed as a depreciating asset.
Tips to get your tax return right
When completing your return, it’s essential to apportion both your rental income and deductions in line with your ownership share of the property.
If there is a mortgage over the property and the loan is also used for private purposes (such as a buying a new car or taking a holiday), your interest expenses must be apportioned. This needs to continue for the duration of the loan, even if you repay the personal expense.
Deductions also need to be split to reflect any private use. This also applies if you only use part of the property to earn rent.
Ensure your deductions are in order
Borrowing expenses (such as loan establishment fees and title searches costing over $100) must be deducted over five years. In the first year, these expenses should be apportioned for the number of days of ownership.
Purchase costs (such as conveyancing fees and stamp duty outside the ACT) cannot be claimed but form part of your capital gains tax (CGT) calculations.
Ask the previous owner for details of any capital works deductions claimed so you can correctly calculate your own deductions. Alternatively, hire a qualified professional to estimate previous construction costs.
Although payments to a body corporate administration fund are fully deductible in the year incurred, payments to a special purpose fund for capital improvements or repairs are not immediately deductible.
Don’t forget CGT
It sounds obvious, but it’s essential to have evidence of all your rental income and expenses when lodging a claim. This needs to be retained while you own the property and for five years after selling.
Another tip is to ensure you calculate your capital gain (or loss) correctly when selling.
You are not permitted to include amounts already claimed as a deduction, including depreciation and capital works.
Capital gains must be included in your tax return for the income year the property is sold, while capital losses can be carried forward.
Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions regarding the preparation of documentation for your next tax return.